Hello Foundlings,
Here’s a bit of a heads up. Obviously, we’ve already entered into holiday season territory, and on top of that, we’re actually about to reach our two-year anniversary for the podcast! Check out how we’re celebrating here!
In addition to that, since we are in the winter season, we will be taking our semi-annual break from the main podcasts. This means that The Gate Chronicles and Sword Art Online: AOD will be going on hiatus. However, we still have several episodes to release this month before we take the break, so keep listening! Once we are on break, the main campaigns will not return until February.
BUT, do not fear! With the break, comes one of our mini-series/modules. AOD Doggies is returning for part 3 and will be released throughout December and into January. We’re estimating a 4-5 episode module. WOOF! The cast will consist of Quintin (Wilson – Copper, Crystal – Crystal), Daniel (Daniel – Stas), and Justin (Clerk Kent – Spark). Again, levels of inception will return along with it. We hope you’re prepared!
Now, down to some of the nitty-gritty. We are once again updating our website to be more modern, cleaner, and easier to navigate. On top of that, we’re are trying to rehome our store to somewhere more suitable for making purchases. It’s ugly and we know it!
*cue I’m Sexy and I Know It*
Speaking of the store, we want to know what kind of merch (mrpf-chandise) you would like to see. We can’t guarantee every item showing up, but we are hopeful in getting some more attractive designs set up. Sort of like what we did with the hats this year. And I will say that they look amazing! I do know that we jokingly talked about getting a “sexy” calendar made with some of the characters…but seriously, if you want to see that happen you should tell us! But also, complicated designs like that take finances. So if you want cool and memey designs, we gotta start small and work up to the big stuff. Body pillow of Amali, anyone?
We’re also going to be making a few changes around here. We want to rework some of the tiers, give them better names, and good incentives. But also remove some things that have proven to be extremely taxing on our already busy editors. And if it wasn’t clear, we are referring to early releases of episodes.
We want to do it! Trust me, we want to. But when we added a second show (even with the bi-weekly), it became difficult to keep up with due to work and school. We can’t afford to pay anyone to help yet. We are hopeful that we can get another editor on our team to at least take some of the workload off. But we cannot guarantee early releases.
This does bring me to the next point. When we do return in February, Sword Art Online: AOD may need to go on a bi-weekly schedule. We do have a potential editor in the works, but they will need training. This slows down the editing process a lot. So just be on the lookout for that announcement if it does occur. But in that case, we hopefully will be back on our regular schedule after several months of practice.
We’re trying to be more open with things that are going on in our backend. Some goals that we have for the coming year are as follows:
1) Train a new editor
2) Find someone in-house or outsource for social media
3) Write weekly “episode in review” blurbs for our patreon
4) Commission new SAO and TGC characters as budget allows
5) Commission commercial designs for our store as budget allows
6) Stream new content on Twitch/YouTube
7) Start a Patreon exclusive show
8) Sexy calendar – Snow kept requesting that I add this…woman, calm yourself!
Again, these are just some goals that we have for the podcast. Who knows if we’ll meet them. But what we do know is that we have an exciting future ahead and we can’t wait to make that journey with you.
As always, foundlings, we love you. And if you could share the love, share our show. We grow because of the hard work you do. Every review, every ear, every laugh matters. We love you guys!
We’ll be back with another post to discuss patron tiers. So if you’ve been interested, but hesitant follow us and keep your eyes peeled for that discussion. We want to hear from you.
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