Category: Podcasts


The Gate Chronicles | S1E6 | Glorified Repairmen

Following Liamoor’s instructions, the party travels to the outskirts of Ashpi to replace the failing power cores. But of course, they run into trouble along the way. Now they must balance protecting the villagers of Ashpi and their own lives.

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E5 | The Path to Become

After a rowdy night of partying, the ragtag group returns to the quaint homestead of Cici for a good night sleep. Upon waking up the next morning, the group discusses with Amali their desire to return to the ruins but are met with a harsh presentation of…

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E4 | Flayin Slayers

In celebration for the first time that Amali ever brought “friends” home, the gang find themselves dragged to the tavern. Some seek pleasure. Some seek fame. Some seek their fortune. And others, their fortune? All is well until a rough crowd stirs up an …

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E3 | Ashpi

Our travelers are led to Ashpi village by the seeker, Amali, and the seeker initiate, Finiavir Avir. Amali, having his own business to attend to, leaves the group in the somewhat capable hands of Fin. Who then decides to help the group get geared-up. 

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