Category: Podcasts

AOD Doggies

AOD Doggies | Episode 5 | No Bones About It

With our intrepid adventurers now sea-bound to the island, they are even closer to rescuing the villagers. But things are not all that they seem on the Haunted Island. To badly explain: stop touching the boom-boom powder and be kind to your elders.

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AOD Doggies

AOD Doggies | Episode 4 | As Many As Pawssible

The storm is over and the faithful companions make their way to Brien (not Brioche. That is a type of bread, Wilson!) and find the city quite “a-buzz.” No bees involved, however. 
AOD Doggies is a homebrew story based off the rules of Dungeons and Doggie…

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AOD Doggies

AOD Doggies | Episode 3 | Hell’s Furry

After the battle with the orcs, the elves move to tend to their friend while the doggies make their rounds around the encampment. But a sinister Crystal, drenched in blood has other plans in mind. To badly explain: Crystal needs a bath again, loot, and a…

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AOD Doggies

AOD Doggies | Episode 2 | Ruff Days Ahead

The small band of doggos take their first steps into the wide world alone. Except for Daniel, because he’s original. As they venture towards the Mourning Stones, they come across some friends who just might be able to help them along the way. To badly ex…

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