Sword Art Online: AOD | S5E6 | Burble’s Turtle Taxi – Part 2
We're picking back up where we left off! Snow is unhinged. There are monkeys. Tama punches stuff. Zana's bird is somewhere. And for heaven's sakes,
We're picking back up where we left off! Snow is unhinged. There are monkeys. Tama punches stuff. Zana's bird is somewhere. And for heaven's sakes,
Finavir's attempt to escape was quickly put to an end when he was apprehended by the colosseum guards. But not long after, a gladiator, Seraphius,
THHHEEERRREE AALLLL GGGOOONNANA DIIIIEEEE!!! Kidnapped by pirates! Left stranded on a deserted island. Potentially hundreds of feet below the surfaces of the water surrounded by
The impending consequences for the party interrupting an officially sanctioned execution proved to be difficult for them to accept. Within moments of being imprisoned, Finavir