Sword Art Online: AOD | S3E31| Shadow Plane | The Heist
Posed with the dangerous task of rescuing and resurrecting their friend, Alias, Daniel and SOW have finally made it to Kyarlv's Manor. With their goal
Posed with the dangerous task of rescuing and resurrecting their friend, Alias, Daniel and SOW have finally made it to Kyarlv's Manor. With their goal
The trek through the blizzard proved to be too dangerous for the party to continue to venture through. They turned to the earth for survival
With danger seemingly around every corner, the small band continues their journey through the Shadow Plane. Paranoid of the unknown, the group cautiously moves after
Having learned that Alias' remains reside in the Shadow Plane, SOW, Daniel, Wilson, and Ceilia prepare to embark on a rescue mission. With daring bravado,