The Gate Chronicles | S1E18 | Outcomes
After finally reuniting with Cici, the party returned to the Hill House. Amali is still nowhere to be seen and apparently Tapti left the village.
After finally reuniting with Cici, the party returned to the Hill House. Amali is still nowhere to be seen and apparently Tapti left the village.
The party has finally returned to Ashpi Village, finding some relief in the fact that Cici may be well. However, tensions once again rise with
Exotic animal handling is definitely not this party’s strong suit, demonstrated by their inability to obtain venom from the young touda. In this scenario, they failed to do so and one of the party members, Allan, was afflicted by paralysis for 1 day. Not…
After a whole lot of setup, placing traps, exploring the area, and building up to a big fight with the touda, the party circumvented the whole thing by capturing the youngling. Whether or not that was good for the little one remains to be seen. Now they …