Sword Art Online: AOD

A high-quality Pathfinder actual play podcast set in the homebrewed world of Sword Art Online.

Follow alongside the AOD guild as they fight their way through each floor trying to find a way to escape the game. While rules remain the same, the players have more than just swords to get by. They also have magic.


This campaign is greatly inspired by the SAO anime but maintains its own individual twist with the inclusion of magic and original story. 

After reconvening at camp the AOD ones take a moment set out on a brave adventure, for a rather obscure quest that takes them through the desert surrounding Hattusa. To badly explain: no one wants to wake up, memory loss, cat-birds, and watch for pitfall...

During the Colosseum fight between AOD Ronin and My Fetish, Snow and Wilson make their way to the Temple of Ishtar in hopes of finding a class change. It's also a chance for Snow and Wilson to catch up with each other since the first time they were toget...

Place your bets, ladies and gents, because Zanna and Clyde are stepping into the ring! While Wilson, Snow, and Daniel finished up with their activities at various temples, the other three made their way to the Colosseum in hopes of making some quick chan...

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