Sword Art Online: AOD | Episode 11 | Town of Beginnings | Double Onesies

February 3, 2019

The members of A.O.D. have a brief moment to themselves before heading off on another adventure. It would behove them to stock up on supplies and survival equipment before such a journey. But who do you think you're dealing with? This is A.O.D. after all! To badly explain: one onesie, two onesies, red onesie, blue onesie. 

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We do not own the rights to SAO or the abridged series. Please support the original content owners! SAO Abridged

Music Provided By: Mediacharger,Jay Man(American Beauty), Natentine(Marwan Nimra – Fantasy RPG Sequence) Eric Matyas  (Mr._Sneaky_Pants, The_Village_Looping, The_Kings_Feast, Strange-Shop_Looping, Fishbowl-Romance, Our_Mountain_V003, Winding_Down) License

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