Sword Art Online: AOD | Episode 18 | The Desert | Purgatory

April 7, 2019

The caves convey chaos as catastrophic calamity ensues. Wilson, Snow, SOW, and Daniel-san (sorry Daniel, it was bound to happen inevitably) are making their way to the center of the earth…hang on, that's a movie. Scratch that. They are making their way through the cavern to escape the trap set for some unknown, ungodly reason. What will they find along the way? Be it treasure, danger, or darkness, the AOD gang will attempt to survive until they can be reunited with the rest of their party. To badly explain: sharp rocks pointing downwards are stalactites, Brendan Fraiser is not here, the GM wouldn't kill us would he?

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We do not own the rights to SAO or the abridged series. Please support the original content owners! SAO Abridged

Music Provided By: Eric Matyas  (Mr._Sneaky_Pants), R.L. (A Fantasy Feeling, The Depths, Short Fight, Goddess of Death, Travel Music, Tech Try, Tech Try 3) License

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