Sword Art Online: AOD | Episode 22 | The Desert | This Little Light

May 5, 2019

Oh no! Zana has been taken hostage by the demonic being lurking within the caves. The party rushes to her aid but must be careful to keep a cool head. Because as we know, dying in-game means dying in real life when it comes to SAO. To badly explain: “Fire up the toaster! It's campfire song time.

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We do not own the rights to SAO or the abridged series. Please support the original content owners! SAO Abridged

Music Provided By: R.L. (Something Simple, Explore the Lore, Travel Music, Techno 3, Tech Intro, Spoopy, Battle, A Fantasy Feeling, A Grimm Tone, The Depths, Actually Kind Of Creepy, Fires Eyes), Sword Coast Soundscapes (Desert Cave) License

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