Sword Art Online: AOD | S4E14 | Pick Your Poison

June 19, 2022

The party torn and divided has chosen their sides and drawn lines in the sand. Our money grubbing murder hobos strive to sneak and strategize, all the while never forgetting to loot the room. Though every plan might not be as safe as previously expected, join us as our party picks their poison.

Light your lamps for Sword Art Online: AOD S4E14.


Sword Art Online: AOD is an actual play podcast that follows the story of the “Antithesis of Darkness” guild on their journey to simply survive being trapped inside of an MMORPG world. This ain't your mommas' Sword Art Online. Now put on your nerve gear and prepare to shout “link start!”

Want to talk more about the show or discuss your favorite episodes with the cast? Join us in our discord server or follow us on social media!

Contact Us:

Email: [email protected]

Follow Us:

  • Website: https://missingrollplayerfound.com/
  • Linktree: https://linktr.ee/rollfound

Support Us: 

Please consider contributing to the production of the podcast.

  • Patreon: https://patreon.com/missingrollplayerfound
  • Dice Envy (affiliate): https://diceenvy.com/?rfsn=2188188.53cb38
  • Battlebards (affiliate): https://battlebards.com/#/register/mrpfpod

Music Attribution: 

With our ever-growing list of wonderful and talented artists (many who have specific attribution requirements that would not reasonably fit in the notes section) who have allowed us to use their music in the podcast, we've decided to compile them all into one document! Please follow the link and learn about the amazing artists that have contributed to our podcast, including Kevin Macleod, Michael Ghelfi, Eric Matayas, Sasha Ende, Rafael Krux, Lilo Sound, Scott Buckley, Alexander Nakarada, Vadim Krakhmal, and a number of other artists. 

Full Attribution: https://missingrollplayerfound.com/attribution-2/

Short Attribution:

Kevin MacLeod (Suonatore di liuto)

Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4440-suonatore-di-liuto

License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Michael Ghelfi (Cold Cave, Forest Hamlet, Mountain Village, Simple Humid Cave, Windy Coast)

Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelGhelfi

License: Used with permission

Monumental Studios (Elder Ring B, Growing Whispers, Heartbeat, Heartbeat Anxiety)

License: Purchased

Battle Bards Olivier Girardot (Walking on Stone in Clothes, Walking on Stone in Leather Armor, Walking on Dirt in Clothes, Walking on Dirt in Leather Armor); Plate Mail Games (Ancient Forest Day, Ancient Forest Night, Ancient Forest 2 Night)

Link: https://battlebards.com/#/register/mrpfpod

Other Music and Sounds by Syrinscape Link: https://syrinscape.com/?att_missing_roll_player_found Because Epic Games Need Epic Sounds 

If you need music in your games check out our friends over at BattleBards. They provide the most premium audio library with over 3,400+ tracks including Musical Scores, Sound Effects, Soundscapes, and more! 

Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/missing-roll-player-found2852/donations

Recent Episodes
  • Sword Art Online: AOD | S5E18 | Maybe, Finally…Almost There?
  • The Gate Chronicles | S1E86 | Incognito
  • Sword Art Online: AOD | S5E17 | A Legendary Mission