Tag: season 1


The Gate Chronicles | S1E12 | The Forest

What is the one thing you should take when going on an excursion in the forest? Well, tools for one, blankets, clothes, and food. But everyone always forgets the rain coat. Thankfully, Amali prepared the group to begin the wet part of their adventure. No…

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E11 | Foul Weather

The party has finally determined what course of action to take. They will stay and train with Amali until he deems them ready to venture out into the Forest to hunt a Touda. They successfully completed a lesson with him, but at the cost of two party memb…

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E10 | The Heart

After Cici was bitten by the Touda, she became paralyzed from the venom that entered into her body. The party has learned that they can help her recover faster by obtaining some of the creature’s venom to make an antidote. They are about to determine the…

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The Gate Chronicles | S1E9 | Risky Business

The party returned to the Flayin Slayer’s to celebrate their initiation into the Seekers Guild with Cici and Amali, which coincidentally allowed them to meet up with the other Seekers in town. The discussion with Callus and Asha raised some important poi…

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