The Gate Chronicles | S1E26 | Lamb’s Respite

May 9, 2021

After collecting a much-deserved reward from Mayor Hamble Gimber, the party set out from Newern and headed to Lamb's Respite. But not before Smoot and Allan visited the reliquary and met with another unfortunate soul affected by the forest, Hana. While on the road, they had the opportunity to taste a delicacy of West Realm just days before their arrival to Lamb's Respite. 

Prepare your passports for The Gate Chronicles S1E26.


The Gate Chronicles (aka TGC) is an actual play RPG run in the Pathfinder RPG system. It is the second series running concurrently with Sword Art Online: AOD.

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Music Attribution: 

Alexander Nakarada (Blacksmith, Borgar, Nordur Skaga)



Eric Matayas (Mister Sneakypants)



Music d20 (Ancora Bound, Barleywine, Caro's Song, Caro's Song Vocal, In the Warmth of the Fire, Midvale Moonrise)


License: Use by permission

Michael Ghelfi (Fantasy Medieval City, Medieval City, Fighter's Guild)


License: Use by permission

BattleBards- Andrii Vakhnenko (Grasslands – Field in Day), Olivier Giradot (Walking on dirt, walking on wood), Plate Mail Games (Adventurers Guild)


If you need music in your games check out our friends over at BattleBards. They provide the most premium audio library with over 3,400+ tracks including Musical Scores, Sound Effects, Soundscapes, and more!

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