The Gate Chronicles | S1E58 | Glimmers of the Past

February 19, 2023

As the party ventured forth across the bridge, they encountered a gigantic cyborg gorilla. Barely managing to escape with their lives, they soon made their way to the laboratory ruins. Although strange occurrences and fluxuations in time impeded their efforts along the journey, they arrived to their destination but once again finding themselves in an extreme subluxation of time.

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The Gate Chronicles (aka TGC) is an actual play RPG run in the Pathfinder RPG system. It is the second series running concurrently with Sword Art Online: AOD.

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Music Attribution: 

Artlist – G-Yerro (Little Scientist), Ty Simon (Inspector Ratchet)

License: Premium

BattleBards- Andrii Vakhnenko (Grasslands – Field in Day, Farmlands), Olivier Giradot (Walking on dirt, walking on wood)


Dark Fantasy Studios (Autopsy)

Michael Ghelfi (Enter the Construct, Iron Giant – Jungle, Outpost Sisyphus – Ops Tower Room Tone, Outpost Sisyphus – Ops Tower Medlab, Outpost Sisyphys – Warehouse, Reflections in Time, Stardust, Unfathomable Design)


License: Use by permission

Monument Studios (Dark Zone, Distorted Reality, Exuberant NPC)

License: Royalty Free License Purchased

Battle Bards Olivier Girardot (Walking on Stone in Clothes, Walking on Stone in Leather Armor, Walking on Dirt in Clothes, Walking on Dirt in Leather Armor), Andrii Vakhnenko (Grasslands – Field in Day), Pkate Mail Games (Ancient Forest Night 2)


Other Music and Sounds by Syrinscape Link:

Because Epic Games Need Epic Sounds 

If you need music in your games check out our friends over at BattleBards. They provide the most premium audio library with over 3,400+ tracks including Musical Scores, Sound Effects, Soundscapes, and more! 

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