Hello, hello. It’s been a while since we’ve checked in. This hiatus definitely went on longer than we expected it to.
Our original return date was set for September, but of course that did not happen. A series of unfortunate events led us to having to delay recordings for quite some time; on a side note, that is also a great series.
This past year has thrown a lot at us, but we made it through somehow. Which is why we were so hopeful to get back into the game after a brief break. But of course people got sick, had vacations, college classes, etc. We also had to say goodbye to some faces on the podcast.
A brief note on that:
Unfortunately, due to one reason or another Mohit and Andrew had to step back from their respective roles. As you may have heard in the season finales, their characters have also exited and will be fulfilling roles to help progress the stories of each campaign. And we wish each player well on their new paths!
On a similar tangent, Alfred K. Mest will be stepping back in the story. After some discussion with Zac, we determined that the character had some irredeemable issues that we could not work around. So in one way or another, Mest will be benched in such a way to help progress the plot.
For the next few episodes, Zac will not be present as we are developing a new character for him and working to reach a place that makes sense for him to be introduced.
There may be a bonus episode released on the patreon as a session zero for the new character, but only if Zac has determined the new PC is a good fit for him.
Back to the topic at hand…Things to Come!
We are excited to announce a mini-series that will be first fully released on Patreon before being made public.
Because this is a third series and we only have two editors, Emily and Quintin, the releases will not be as regular as we would like, which is why it will be for Patrons-only until the series is completed.
More information to come regarding the story along with a poll! But it is an Sword Art Online: AOD side-story, not necessarily AOD Doggies (although we’re hopeful to see the culmination of that series as well). Feel free to take a guess as to what that means. ?
The Return…
The moment you’ve all been waiting for. The return dates of your favorite series. (Note how I made that plural…)
Sword Art Online: AOD has been difficult to schedule recordings for. So, let me forewarn you, we have only recorded one episode of the new season as of 9/26. Yeah, literally the end of September was the only chance we had last month.
Quintin is currently struggling with Calculus 2 and trying to find time to write after being stressed all day has been a challenge for him. So keep him in your prayers. We are happy to say that he has found a tutor that has truly helped him with this class. So hopefully he will be able to keep up with writing again.
The Gate Chronicles is in a better situation for recording due to more consistent player schedules. And also since it’s down to two players for the moment, the editing should go much faster.
That being said, we have two recording days scheduled for this first week of October to start getting an episode backlog for both Sword Art Online: AOD and The Gate Chronicles.
So without further ado, the expected return date for The Gate Chronicles will be 10/10/2021 and Sword Art Online: AOD will return, hopefully, on 10/17/2021 with an alternating biweekly schedule as per last year.
We are so excited to be back with you, Foundlings! Feel free to message us here, join us on our discord, or shoot us an email at [email protected]
TLDR: Some members had to step away from the podcast. New series incoming, will be released on Patreon first. Series Return – TGC 10/10/21 & SAO 10/17/21 on alternating biweekly schedule.
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